This is an advanced plank exercise that will have you turning on and firing up your muscles. Note of caution always listen to your body. If you feel straining or pain in any area of the body stop the exercise immediately.
Plug this exercise into my Home Workout BluePrint.
Arms are shoulder height, pressing two plates together and fingers spread. Watch that you're not using your fingers to hold the plates together. Take a breath in on the exhale squeeze the plates together and pulse up slightly.
You can also use two yoga blocks or books in place of the plates.
10 minute follow along video
Join me for five rounds of three exercises. Exercises can be done with or without resistance band.
In this video I offer various exercises and levels of difficulty. 10 exercises in total for 10 reps each.
Set a goal for yourself of how many rounds you’ll do and stay committed to that goal.
The commitment is the mental training.
Training The Mind And Body As One.
Grab your favorite person and get ready to move your body. No weights. No excuses. Have kids? Great get them moving too. Four exercises that can be done from 1-5 rounds in 4-20 minutes.