You've Changed.
Have you ever started doing something different from the norms of your friends or family?
Maybe you’ve recently stopped drinking or started working out.
Maybe you’ve adopted a healthier way of eating or took on a challenging project.
It’s likely that when you first started, those friends and family were supportive, or perhaps indifferent.
But as you gained ground and stuck with it, maybe the tone has shifted a little.
Maybe as you’ve really started growing, thinking differently than you once did, you’re hearing some variation of this instead:
You’ve changed.
Some of your circle might still be really supportive (yay for those folks in our lives!).
Some will question what you’re doing and why. Maybe out of curiosity, maybe out of doubt.
And some will simply detest your new ways of thinking and being.
You’ve changed.
It’s uncomfortable, right? #thatdoesntevenbegintocoverit
Change is always uncomfortable. Always.
And maybe you expected that. Maybe you knew that these changes you wanted to make would be hard.
But maybe you weren’t expecting the people you love to see your hard work, your growth, your embracing of discomfort and only say…
You’ve changed.
It can initially be a little lonely there in that place you’ve worked so hard to reach.
Not everyone you know will understand.
Some of them will see the work you’re doing and feel guilty or ashamed at not doing their own work.
Some of them might even resent you for being a walking, talking, breathing example of what is possible if they were willing to get uncomfortable, too.
That’s okay. Really, it is.
No one likes change.
Change is hard. Change is uncomfortable.
Who likes being uncomfortable?
Yup, you’ve got it— no one.
Our bodies would much rather stay comfortable over here on the couch with the big ol’ bag of chips than get up and go for that workout or make that healthy meal.
Our minds would much rather zone out in front of the tv and binge watch Real Housewives than open up that personal development book and knock out ten pages.
Our instincts would rather we simply conform to the norms of our social circles than step outside of what everyone’s doing and take the chance of hearing those words…
You’ve changed.
But at the end of the day, it’s true, right?
You HAVE changed.
Something inside you said, “Well, this is comfortable and all, but I suspect that my life could be better— that my mind could be sharper and my body feel better if I make a few changes…”
And then you did make a few changes.
And, lo and behold, your mind is sharper, and your body does feel better and somehow you’re feeling like you’re getting more out of your life than you were before.
And that feels really good.
To live our fullest, richest lives, we have to keep growing.
Growth requires challenging ourselves.
It requires being open to change.
And then it requires doing the work of that change, even when it’s uncomfortable.
Especially when it’s uncomfortable.
I’m with you.
I’ve heard those words a lot myself over the past year or so:
Jenn, you’ve changed.
Heck yeah, I have.
I’ve been working my butt off trying new things, challenging myself, taking advantage of opportunities to learn and grow at every turn.
Where I am now is very different from where I was a year ago.
Next year, I hope I’ll be in a different place than I am now.
Because I plan to keep learning, to keep pushing, keep challenging the limits of what I imagine is possible in my life.
It’s how I want to show up for myself, my clients, my loved ones, and the world.
I want to walk the walk.
I hope your loved ones are supporting your changes.
I hope that they ask you what you’re doing with genuine interest.
I hope that you inspire them to seek their own growth as well.
How incredible is it when we have a circle of support and encouragement and teammates to share the journey with?!?!
There’s nothing like it.
But maybe they’re happy right where they are.
And maybe they aren’t in a place where they can embrace change and growth, not even yours.
That’s okay.
If you’re feeling alone in your journey right now, know that I’m here with you.
Know that you are NOT alone.
You are a part of this community and we are all behind you.
Challenging ourselves is often exactly that— a challenge.
Sometimes it’s hard on all the ways we expect and sometimes it’s hard in ways we never saw coming.
But I’m here alongside you. Pushing myself and changing every day.
It’s not easy, but we can do it together.
Get out there and get after that life you can envision for yourself, after those dreams that you’re working towards.
Keep doing it.
Keep showing up for yourself.
Keep doing those the things that need to be done even when it’s uncomfortable.
And sure enough, you’ll start to see it…
You’ll change.