The Pain Is Real

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A broken promise.


I can’t.

I’m scared.

No one believes in me.

I don’t think I can do it.


Have you ever felt or said any of these about yourself?

It’s pretty destructive stuff, right?

These words and feelings have crept into my head many times.

They still try regularly.

It’s a never-ending battle and requires constant vigilance.

But something I’ve learned over the years is that I can make that battle easier.

The most effective method I’ve found is what I call “stacking my day” and it’s been a game-changer for me.

Here’s how I stack my day for success:

  1. My alarm goes off. I want stay in bed a few more minutes, but I don’t. I get up and I get out of bed. My first victory of the day. Snooze button crushed— win for me.

  2. Next up: hot lemon water while my coffee brews. Hydration and self-care. Victory #2.

  3. Read over my goals. I have my 1 year goals written out, then broken down into three month, one month, and weekly benchmarks, and then what I want to accomplish that day. This is so important— it’s a constant reminder of the direction I want to go, what I’m working for. I’m connected to my dreams in a tangible way. Victory #3.

  4. Meditation for 10 minutes. Now I’m grounded, centered, focused. Victory #4.

  5. Active visualization for 10 minutes. This is so fun. I spend 10 minutes seeing what I want in my life in detail. As much as I can see, anyway— often it’s hard to see it all clearly at first. I also have a vision board with all my goals on it. I’m rooted in my purpose— victory #5.

  6. Next up: workout. I move my body for 45 minutes. This is critical in so many ways and on so many levels and pretty much every word on this website explains why I think so, so I’ll just leave it at that for now! 😉 Victory #6.

  7. Read. I read 10 pages of a BOOK that inspires and motivates and teaches me. High quality content is a fuel of its own and I make sure I’m taking in information that serves me, my life, and my goals. Victory #7

  8. Eat a healthy breakfast. What we put in our tanks matters— I only put the highest quality fuel in mine. Victory #8.

  9. Train my clients all day and night. This honestly fuels me the most. I love connecting with them and being a part of their journey. When we connect with others in a positive way it just feels good. Victory #9.

  10. Make sure I’m hydrated. I drink a gallon of water a day. Yup, a gallon. It requires that I pay attention to getting water in all day. Victory #10.

  11. Eat well throughout the day so I maintain my energy and drive. There’s no way I can function at a high level without quality intake. No one is high performing when they’re running on empty. Victory #11.

  12. Dinner with my husband. This is non-negotiable, regardless of the time we eat. This is the one meal where we sit down together— sometimes that might mean 9pm. It’s important to eat with loved ones. Victory #12.

  13. Last, my favorite way to unwind: on the couch holding hands with Glenn. Victory #13.

See how victory after victory stacks up to “win the day”? How one paves the way for the next?

Connect with people.

Be of service and live with purpose.

This is what gives our lives meaning and fulfillment.

But they require that we set ourselves up for success, that we maintain energy and focus.

Put these tips into play and I assure you that your life will change.

If this is all new to you, don’t get overwhelmed.

Start with just one or two.

But do them daily.

The key to success is daily consistency.

Trust me— I didn’t start out doing all of these things.

Over the years I’ve learned and applied them.

And now I’m at the point that if I don’t do them, I feel off-balance and discombobulated.

"Live your best life" means taking action.

Right now.

Today and everyday.

You’ve got this.

I’m doing it right along side with you.

Together we are stronger.