It All Matters.
If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone utter the words, “I don’t have time to exercise/eat right/etc,” I’d have a waterfront mansion in Hawaii and a ski chalet in Lake Tahoe.
Seriously, I hear some variation almost daily. Daily.
But it’s a lie. A big, fat, ugly, destructive lie.
Here’s the bald truth: you don’t have time NOT to do these things.
It’s really that simple.
I’m going to skip all the data and lecturing about the million and two ways better nutrition and exercise and sleep will let you live longer and better, how they affect your cells and your cognitive processes.
I’m just going to go right to this whole “I don’t have time" thing everyone loves to cite as a favorite excuse and bust it up with a big ol’ fat truth hammer.
You don’t have time not to take care of yourself.
If you think grocery shopping or cooking healthfully is too time consuming, consider how much time it will take to sit in doctors offices or pick up the prescriptions that go along with treating diabetes or diet related blood pressure issues.
If you think exercise is too time consuming, consider how much time it will take to deal with reduced mobility or an injury resulting from weak muscles not being able to properly support your body in its daily doings.
If you think getting enough sleep is time consuming, consider how much time it will take to recover from illnesses due to your weakened immune system or to get through the tasks of your day with reduced cognitive function.
And that’s just the obvious stuff.
What about the time spent fighting with loved ones because you haven’t given your body the tools to manage stress?
What about the mental and emotional fatigue of never quite having the energy to enthusiastically pursue your interests or engage fully in activities that bring joy and fun into your life?
Stress, fatigue, poor hydration and nutrition, overwork, sedentary lifestyle, and lack of good quality sleep all negatively impact how you feel mentally, emotionally, and physically.
It’s like trying to manage your life with one arm tied behind your back— it makes everything harder and more exhausting.
But the inverse is also true.
Exercise combined with good sleep, nutrition, and hydration give your body the tools and energy necessary to manage stress and function at peak efficiency on all fronts.
Aka: it saves you far more time than it costs you to stay well and healthy.
Plus, it comes with the bonus of, you know…better days and a better life!
This is the very definition of win-win!
I get asked about my own habits and routines a LOT.
I know part of it is simple curiosity about how I put what I preach into actual, real-life practice.
It’s also because I have to have the energy to go all day and into the night.
As a personal trainer, it matters deeply to me to be at the top of my game with every single client I work with. I need to stay sharp to keep my clients safe and give them the most rewarding experience I can.
My day begins at 3:45am and ends at 9:00pm.
An average day includes working out, training clients, writing workout and wellness programs, and living my life with my husband, Glenn, and the world’s greatest dog ever, Coalie.
I love this life. Love it.
But make no mistake— there is absolutely no way I could sustain it without taking care of all the aspects of my health and wellness.
These are some of MY non-negotiables and the ones I repeatedly recommend:
1. Stick to a sleep schedule.
I wake up and go to bed at the same time every day.
Yes, that includes weekends.
Yes, I have as much trouble getting out of bed on a rainy Saturday morning as any other human.
Yes, I do it anyway. (I have literally never once regretted getting up. Never. Not one single time. I can’t say the same thing about sleeping in.)
I have a solid night time routine that helps get me settled and prepared for bed.
I turn off my phone an hour before I go to bed.
I turn on my diffuser with essential oil and have my salt rock lamp on.
This creates an atmosphere for me that’s peaceful and invites relaxation. When it’s time for bed, I’m ready for sleep.
2. Meditate.
I meditate every day.
For me, I really like doing it first thing in the morning.
I sit quietly for 15 minutes and focus on my breathing.
It helps me prepare myself for the day ahead.
If you’re new to meditation, don’t be afraid to try it. Start small with just 1-5 minutes.
Keep it simple. Just practice focusing on your breath. That’s it.
3. Hydrate.
I make sure I drink plenty of water throughout my day.
I know, I know, you’ve heard me talk about getting enough water a million times. But that’s because it really makes a world of difference!
I honestly don’t think it can be overstressed.
Every single cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly. Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is:
About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men
About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women
4. Movement
It’s Newton’s First Law: an object in motion stays in motion.
Well, our bodies abide by the same law, so I make sure I move my body every day.
Look, our bodies evolved for movement and activity.
Not just our muscles and bones, but our brains and emotions as well.
We need to move our bodies to be happy and live full lives.
5. Nutrition.
I pay attention to what goes into my body.
What we put into our bodies is what we get out of our bodies.
I have no interest in feeling like crap, so I don’t put crap into my body.
All natural, non-processed foods are what our bodies need.
So give them what they ask for.
6. Stay Positive.
I try and look for the good in every situation.
I don’t deny or dismiss hardship or painful feelings, but I look for their lessons, the growth they offer.
And when I feel myself heading towards a mood (yes, it happens!) I take a moment to asses the situation and then reach for better feeling thoughts.
It takes practice and work to train the mind and it’s so worth it.
I always say training my mental game is often harder than my physical training.
It’s not easy or always comfortable, but it’s the game changer every time.
Let me say it again: you don’t have time to not take care of yourself.
This is your life, and it’s made up of days and hours. How you care for every aspect of yourself impacts what you can do with those hours, that life.
Being happy and feeling good is a result of working all areas of your life.
It takes time to create and build a life you love to live.
So stop messing around and start today.
Work on one small change each week, each day, each moment.
You can have and be who you’ve always wanted to. You just need to start and once you do, don’t stop.
You’ve got this.
Remember: it’s the small changes done with consistency that will lead to the big results you’re after.