Wonder Woman Powers
See those pretty, perfectly manicured nails wrapped around the bar there?
The owner of those nails is the embodiment of Wonder Woman Power.
When she showed up to her first session with me, she was dealing with a lot of pain from some serious past injuries. She had way more limitations around how she could move her body than she was okay with. She knew she wanted to do something about it.
So she showed up. Even when she had pain. Even when she could have found excuses. She showed up to session after session, open and ready and receptive.
She trained both her mind and her body with persistence, patience, and determination. And she got stronger week after week after week.
I wish you could see how strong she is now. How much more she can do with her body. How much better she feels in it.
It’s incredible.
That’s what Wonder Woman (and Man! Include yourself here as well, fellas!) Power is all about.
It’s about a new client’s eyes widen in total awe of her own strength the first time she flips a tire.
It’s about the grandfather that’s been working with me awhile sending me a video of lifting his grandson up onto the monkey bars— playing in ways he thought were no longer available to him. But through training, are again.
Wonder Woman Power is what's at play every time I see the men and women I work with begin to be able to move past limitations in their bodies through strength and agility and awareness.
Turn on YOUR power.
If you’re busy thinking that lifting weights isn’t for you, or it’s a waste of time, or simply something you don’t really want to do, I invite you to consider this:
Every single thing you do in life is a “lift” of some sort. Everything uses your muscles. Everything. No exceptions.
Let’s look at a few examples:
Getting in or out of a chair = legs/glutes (as is lifting a laundry basket, or a child)
Raking leaves = back muscles
Pushing a stroller = chest (think push-up muscles)
Picking up a bag of groceries = biceps
I could go on all day, but you see what I mean, right?
Everything we do requires both our muscles and our mind. Our mind keeps us present and focused (when that slips, people get injured!).
Keeping your body safe and strong requires mindfulness, strength, and proper body alignment— you know, everything that comes with a proper mind-body-strength training program!
Look. It’s simple, really.
Training your body and mind to be and get stronger is what allows you to do the things you love with joy and ease.
It’s how you live your best life— by actively engaging and strengthening your mental and physical muscles today through proper training. (Seriously, I can’t recommend professional guidance enough— weight training has come a long way since the days of plastic sweat-it-out-suits and tossing weight around haphazardly. Find a pro who stays up to date on the science, whether it’s me or someone else!)
Your body is a priceless piece of machinery. Give it what it needs to stay in tune.
It’s the key to unlocking the rest of that best life you have waiting for you.
I’m here to help— let’s turn on your Wonder Woman/Man Power together!!
Wishing you health and happiness always!!