Watch Your Words.
Do you ever listen to yourself?
I mean really listen to the words you say out loud and the ones you think to yourself?
Our words have power.
Here are a few things I've heard people I care about say:
"I'm not smart enough."
"I'm tired."
"I'm bored."
"I can't do that."
"I hate the way my arms look."
"I'm not strong enough."
"I have no money."
"That kind of thing always happens to me."
"I have bad luck."
The list goes on, but I'll bet you get the idea.
Here's the thing- our words have vibrations.
I know that sounds a little "woo woo", but it's totally true.
What I mean by this is that our words have energy that create sensations in our bodies.
Words have both meaning and carry their very own energy.
Some words have a high vibration (think of the word "love"- what do you notice?) and some words have a low vibration (think of the word "hate"- what do you notice?)
High vibration words help us to feel inspired, energized, empowered.
Low vibration words drain our energy, contribute to feelings of overwhelm, and leave us feeling disempowered.
Which do you think is most likely to help you move your life in the direction of your dreams and goals?
Whoever said "sticks and stone will break your bones but words will never hurt you" had no idea what they were talking about.
Words may be one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal and have tremendous power to impact your life.
Think about this for a minute.
What we say and focus on is who we are and how we're living.
That's huge.
Let me tell you a little story...
A few years ago, my husband, Glenn, left his company to strike out on his own. Instead of feeling inspired by his courage and as supportive as I would like to have been, I zoned in on money. Specifically on the fear of not having it or where it was going to come from. My focus was entirely on him leaving a 401k, insurance benefits, and steady income.
This wasn’t just a little passing light worry. I spent so much time and energy focusing on this that I actually made myself sick. Literally. I got so dizzy once during a yoga class that I felt like I was going to black out- it was awful. I felt deeply anxious and stressed ALL the time.
I was a ton of fun to be around and I know Glenn felt super supported. (ummmm…no.) (Sorry, honey. For real, though.)
Luckily for me, it was about this time that I began my first yoga teacher training. The curriculum included books that dove deeply into the power of the mind and the words we use. It was mind blowing. And eye opening.
I realized that all my thoughts and words were focused on scarcity and the fear that goes hand in hand with it. My fear around a lack of money had led to over-attachment to every penny as if it might be my last. My generosity had withered. Every conversation I had was about my frustration with lack of income. My entire world had become consumed with these thoughts.
With the knowledge I was gaining in my training, I began to notice what I was saying throughout my day and then consciously change it to reflect both gratitude for what I had and where I wanted my life to go.
When I caught myself fixating on money lack, I immediately shifted to abundance. I became obsessed with the idea of abundance. I started to home in on all the things I did have in my life: a supportive and loving husband, great family and friends, a beautiful home, my health, etc.
Gratitude is a beautiful thing. And a crazy powerful one.
I began to use words that reflected my gratitude and sense of abundance. I even wrote the word abundance on my checkbook so that each time I paid bills, I was reminded to think about everything I had in my life. (Also, don't judge me- long live paper checks!)
And you know what? It wasn’t long before I became inspired by Glenn’s decision instead of fearful of it. So much so that only a few short years later, I quite my own day job to begin this business, a lifelong dream come true in large part because I stopped using words that shut me down and began using ones that inspired, energized, and empowered me.
Our words fuel our lives.
What kind of gas are you putting in your dream tank?
Take Action Today:
What are you saying throughout your day?
For the next 24 hours, pay attention to your word habits.
What words do you use most?
What phrases do you say to yourself and those around you?
Write them down and then write out something to say in their place that would be more empowering or bring a higher vibration. For example, if you catch yourself saying, “I’m so overwhelmed” a lot, consider replacing it with something like, “I have big goals and I know I’m capable of getting there. I just need to take one step at a time."
Our words create our life.
Our words are either empowering or disempowering, high vibration or low vibration.
We have the power to choose.
So try it.
Try talking to yourself like you would your child, favorite person, bff, or, in my case, my dog. (Yes, I talk to my dog. A lot. A whole lot. I just love him so dang much!)
Get out there and speak encouraging, supportive, and empowering words to yourself and others and unleash the power you’ve been holding back!