How's your vehicle running?


The other day, a cherry red 1960s Cadillac De Ville pulled up next to me at a stoplight.

It was gorgeous. Classic. Gleaming.

It rumbled and purred just as it should as they pulled away. I was smitten.

Those owners clearly cherish this car. 

I imagine that they dedicate some real time and energy caring for it, attend to it daily, know that it’s an irreplaceable one-of-a-kind.

And I’ll bet the fuel running through that purring engine was of the highest caliber.

Your body is the most expensive, unique, one-of-a-kind classic vehicle you’ll ever own.

Do you treat it like that’s the case or have you been behaving like it’s the old clunker you picked up with your summer job earnings when you were 16? The way it’s running likely reflects one or the other..

Are you putting high-grade fuel in your body each day, or do you let your tank get down to fumes and then fill it with whatever’s convenient, regardless of quality?

Consider giving your body a tune-up so that it can run at its best.


Start by avoiding excess sugar.

If you put sugar in the gas tank of a car, it makes the engine seize up. 

It’s just as destructive in YOUR tank.

Sugar is addictive. It’s known to have negative effects on the brain, joints, heart, skin, liver, as well as on our teeth and mood. (You can learn more here.)

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You can’t change what you’re not aware of, so begin by paying attention.

Are you drinking enough water? Moving your body daily? What kinds of foods are you eating?

Where can you cut some sugar back? 

If you’re fueling yourself with caffeine and junk food, it’s likely that your vehicle is running a little sluggishly.

You might feel like that’s fine at the moment, that it’s good enough. 

But what about later?

As we age, the little hiccups and backfires that don’t seem like such a big deal now can compound into your vehicle running like an unreliable clunker.

It might leave you stranded when you least expect it.

We all want our vehicle to be like that gleaming Caddy- shining and running like a dream.

Keep your engine in good shape from the start and it will run better all along.

Your body is a unique, priceless, precious piece of fine machinery.

Treat it as such and it will continue to rumble and purr for you for a very long time!

Now go take that baby for a spin and keep that sugar out of your gas tank!

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